"only when you know chaos, you will know peace.
the celebral cortex, the celebellum. that's where your problem is. no one is born depressed or demential. they grow and think in being one. this is somewhere beyond happiness and sadness. ecstasy and downers. dreams and drowners.
for some reason, you dont see fish agonized by wild mood swings. sponges never have a bad day.
those cosmetic drugs, mood equalizers and anti-depressants, only treat the symptoms of the bigger problems. every addiction, is just a way to treat the same problem. drugs or overeating or alcohol or sex, its all another way to find peace. To escape what we know. our education. Adam's bite of the forbidden apple.
some love too little,some too long,
some sell, and others buy
some do the deed with so many tears,
and some without a sigh
each man is killed by what he loves,
the lucky ones they die.